Most businesses around the world deal with credit cards on some level, which means that most businesses must comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). If you process, transmit, or store credit card transactions or data, you must meet the PCI-DSS requirements. Failure to do so can be quite costly.
To help organizations solve these problems and meet compliance requirements, Alert Logic has incorporated File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) capabilities into its MDR platform. Antonio Sanchez, Lead Technical Marketing Manager for Alert Logic, talks about Alert Logic File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) and how it can help you with PCI-DSS compliance here:
Two of the requirements that are particularly challenging to maintain and monitor are requirements 10.5.5 and 11.5. PCI 10.5.5 requires that you have the ability to detect attempted changes to log files, and 11.5 states that you must have the ability to detect unauthorized changes to operating system or application files.
Traditionally, organizations solve for these issues with expensive point solutions. The tools to monitor for such changes can be costly, especially when you factor in the cost of training and management for the tools.
Businesses need a more cost-effective way to achieve and maintain compliance. They also need to reduce the complexity of the IT environment. The addition of FIM enhances detection of unauthorized change events, including attempted attacks and the actions of malicious insiders. It also monitors for integrity of system directories, registry keys, and values on the operating system, and includes file access, creation, movement, attribute modification, and several other types of file interactions.
Check out this demo video or click here for more information about Alert Logic File Integrity Monitoring (FIM). If you’d like to learn more about this and other exciting new capabilities, check out this blog post.