We know with Alert Logic within a manner of minutes when someone is trying to attack us and will know in a manner of minutes or seconds that we have been attacked. We have a partner in Alert Logic who is providing us with continuous information about what’s going on with the attack, how to remediate it, what to block, and what to stop.

– David Levin, CEO of Cloudspace USA

Cloudspace USA sells infrastructure as a service to small and medium-sized businesses and provides them with an entire managed network from every piece of software, every component of the infrastructure, and anything you might need to run a small business network.

The Challenge

Cloudspace knew they needed a high quality, secure infrastructure. As they were looking at service providers, they found some with quality products and others with high-end consultants but more than anything they were looking for a “team,” a “partner,” an organization that could give them a more complete security infrastructure.

Alert Logic has delivered a level of cybersecurity that keeps me confident that I can run my business without people breaking in and stealing our data.

David Levin, CEO of Cloudspace USA

Why Alert Logic?

Originally in their business, Cloudspace handled small business networks in their office and had very unsophisticated cybersecurity structures because of cost and resource constraints. Now with Alert Logic MDR, they can see the overall security landscape of their environment.

“The complexity of attacks has increased so significantly that if you didn’t have a sophisticated notification system and intrusion detection system then you would miss the level of these attacks, you would be attacked, you would be infiltrated without really understanding it,” said Levin. “Whereas we know with Alert Logic within a manner of minutes when someone is trying to attack us and then we know in a manner of minutes or seconds that we have been attacked and we have a partner in Alert Logic who is providing us with continuous information about what’s going on with the attack, how to remediate it, what to block and what to stop. So, we can handle much more sophisticated attacks today and much quicker than we could in the past.”

The Results

Cloudspace has clients working 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, so for them, security is a 24-hour proposition. Alert Logic provides it as a 24-hour proposition. “If I gave advice to peers or colleagues around security, especially cloud security, I would say there is never too much security. After using Alert Logic for four years, I realized there really is never too much security in the IT business. Alert Logic has delivered a level of security that keeps me confident that I can run my business without people breaking in and stealing our data,” said Levin.

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